Friday, March 14, 2008

I Don’t Care if Monday’s Blue…

I made it to knitting yesterday. Yee haw!

I found the Atlas Coffee Mill without getting lost! I wandered in and didn’t see a group. I walked out. I walked back in. No luck. The counter was super busy, so I walked around looking at stuff. Suddenly I heard the work “knitted” and turned my head. There they were the whole time, I just didn’t see any knitting going on as I sheepishly walked by.

I got lots of work done on my sock and started the 2nd. I also got a much needed break from the house. I can’t wait to go again!

Back on the collage charms front - I have read through the book at least 10 times now. I can’t stop looking at it. (It’s Friday) I’m in Love.* I’m obsessed.

I really hate that Mr. CH has been laid off all but 3 weeks this year (in many more ways than one). I have art supplies to buy, dagnabit!  That and the 60k, $850 routine service on the Kia. (Isn’t that ridiculous?! in the last 6 months I will have spend almost 1500 bucks in “routine” stuff on a 2 1/4 year old car - I drive too much! Let us not event talk the price of GAS!) See - It’s actually the Kia that is throwing my finances for a loop making me wait. I get paid from church next week, and I just don’t want to wait that long. Actually, maybe my biggest problem is the lack of patience until I get paid next?

 Now that I think about it, even THAT is a poor excuse. There is no reason I can’t be making my little collages before I get soldering supplies. I’m putting the horse before the cart!

Maybe instead of filling up my idea book with ideas and surfing the Internets and local hardware stores for the cheapest supplies and price comparison I should just start doing the work that has to be done first.

Maybe I need to tell myself that I can’t even BUY the stuff until I am actually ready to USE it. What a concept is that?! Given my previous supply stashing history for new obsessions that never got much further than the purchasing stage -  it is probably a good idea.

Let us not speak any further of the stashes of fabric, stained glass, caulking, various glues, plaster, wallpaper paste, shredded paper (yes, I have a garbage bag of shredded paper stashed away - I was on a molded paper sculpture kick - I made exactly 5 bowls - and threw them away), children’s encyclopedias, clothes pins, wire, printmaking supplies, old books for altering, cross stitch thread, yarn, fiber, newly acquired goodwill finds, ohmygosh I’m getting light headed….. I could start my own craft supply store. We won’t even go into the scrap-booking supplies and paper which I DO use.  [slight paper fetish here, I’ll admit it - I have a 1-foot high stack scrapbooking paper]

That is it. In writing this post I have been forced to admit I have a supply purchasing problem. What have you made me do?!


I, Cheesehead with Sticks (and obviously MUCH more than sticks!), do hereby swear, on a bag of fresh string cheese, that I will not purchase any soldering supplies until I am actually ready to SOLDER something together. I shall use clothes pins or wire to hold everything together until that point. I promise to actually do the hard part before moving on to the easy part!

*The Cure’s Friday I’m In Love is soooo stuck in my head today!

Odd tidbit - when I run spell check, it flags every “nd” combination in any word - like the “nd” in “and” is spelled wrong. Gremlins, obviously!