Friday, March 21, 2008

Online Ad Sales Representatives (Telecommute) for UK, Canada, France, China (one position per country)

Creative Weblogging sees a growing share of international traffic (from the above markets) in our network.

Therefore we are looking for sales reps with prior internet marketing/sales experience who will:

- Research and register us with internet marketing affiliates (i.e. local counterparts of Commission Junction or in the specific country)
- accept campaigns and banners on our behalf and integrate them into our ad server
- recruit and maintain relationship with direct advertisers


- fluency in local languages (as above)
- prior internet marketing experience
- ability to talk to customers/affiliates on the phone/email
- sales driven personality

We expect:

- highly reliable and self driven work attitude
- ability to generate revenue quickly

This is a part-time position and can be done 100% remotely (preferred) or from our offices in Silicon Valley, California.

If interested pls shoot us an email at recruiting - at -
See full article.

Related Entries:

The Myth And Reality Of Super Sales People - 14 August 2006

INSIGHTS into Growing Your Business - 05 January 2007

GM Tallies Mixed Sales Figures For November - 05 December 2007

Top Sales Article of 2007 - 19 December 2007

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