Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lemnis Pharox LED Bulb

I have been dutifully buying the various LED bulbs being marketed as home incandescent replacements for a year or two. Up until now, all have had that weird, blue flickery LED light, and all have been expensive. The Lemnis Pharox is the first one that actually delivers as a home bulb replacement. It sips electricity pulling down a mere 4 watts, will last for 35 years, and replaces the light of a 40 watt incandescent. I installed one in our recessed home lighting adjacent to normal bulbs, and asked my wife to pick out which one was the LED and she couldn't tell which one it was. The only thing I am disappointed about is that they don't have higher output ones yet available (such as a 60 or 75 watt replacement). I can only assume they are in the works. While you pay an early adopter premium on these ($50-60), they are excellent for places where it's too much trouble to replace bulbs, or if you have a solar system on your roof and you want those watts to go further.

-- Alexander Rose

Lemnis Pharox LED Bulb
Available from Upscale Lighting

Manufactured by Lemnis Lighting

Related items previously reviewed in Cool Tools:

Fresh2 Bulbs

TerraLUX LED Replacement Bulb * Nite Ize LED Kit

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