Tuesday, May 13, 2008

BobbyToat: Bloggeries Reviewed

Bloggeries is a blogging forum, where it is attended by bloggers, webmasters as well as internet marketeers. There are many benefits of joining Bloggeries, such as:
  1. You can make friends with many bloggers
  2. You can get good advice and latest news about the blogosphere
  3. You can share revenue with Bloggeries if you have AdSense account
  4. You get paid if you signup for webhosting and domain from HostGator and GoDaddy through the forum under Rob's affiliate ID (he is the forum owner)
  5. You can sell or buy services and products on this forum
My experience on this forum has been a very pleasant one. It is not as crowded as the Digital Point Forums and consequently the discussions there are of high quality and there are also less scams and spammy members to be found. I have managed to make some friends on this forum, they are really helpful bloggers. By networking on this forum, I managed to get some linkbacks and also small reviews from the generous bloggers there on their pageranked sites!

There are a few really important subforums in Bloggeries that I will mention here and at the end of this review, I am also going to highlight certain shortcomings of this forum.

Show Off Your Blog subforum
This is the subforum where you can post your blog's URL and let other forum members visit it and give you comment and feedback about your blog. This is a good place for you to attract new readers and expose your blog to a larger audience. Obviously if people like your blog, they might share it with other friends or return for more content.

Buy, Sell and Trade Classifieds subforum
This subforum is the business center of Bloggeries. You can buy, sell and trade stuffs here. I have personally sold my articles here to a few bloggers.

Blogging Basics, Blog Marketing and Make Money Blogging subforums
Each subforum's functions is clearly indicated in their names. Blogging beginners can learn from the Blogging Basics subforum while anyone who wishes to market their blogs better can visit the Blog Marketing subforum. Make Money Blogging subforum mainly discusses anything about monetizing your blogs, but I don't think we are allowed to promote affiliate links here or anywhere else on Bloggeries.

Bloggeries Lounge and Bloggeries News and Site Updates subforums
The Bloggeries Lounge subforum can be used to post miscellaneous thoughts and also your introduction when you first joined Bloggeries. In the Bloggeries News and Site Updates subforum, you can find out about the future direction of Bloggeries, its current development and also any special promotion such as membership drive cum referral contest.

The main thing that I like about this forum is the personal touch and interaction with Rob, the owner of the forum and generally all the members here are very friendly and helpful.

However, this forum can certainly be better if it has more active members, opportunities and also traders. The opportunities that I feel are missing are in the forms of freebies and also free directories submission which are available almost everyday in the Digital Point Forums. More attention should be given here to attract these kinds of free offers to Bloggeries, probably by offering these freebies peddlers some sort of benefits in return (mutual benefits attraction works most of the time!). However, this situation can change for the better, if only Bloggeries could increase its number of active members, certainly some people would take it more seriously and become more interested to promote their products or services there. You can make a difference, join a friendly, resourceful and helpful forum now and make it better!

Join Bloggeries Now!

P.S. While you are at the forum, don't forget to check out Bloggeries Blog Directory and Blog Review too...