Saturday, March 22, 2008

Join the CW blog network with your blog

Why should I let CW market my blog?

Simply - It's more fun together, less hassle and often more money for you. We pay for all services surrounding your blog. You 'just' blog - we do not interfere with what you write at all. Also we help you to make your blog even more famous and after 'the lease' is over you can sell your blog to whoever you wish.

Also Creative Weblogging is a serious organization - check out our existing network of sites. We are around for 3 years - we pay our bills and are friendly folks.

What we are looking for:

- blogs with 50k+ page views/month (measured by Google Analytics) from the US or Germany or France
- well written blog in English or German

What we bring to the table:

- We'll integrate your site into the existing network of 135+ blogs.

- We plug you into the group of editors and give you help from the team on how to build your site further.

- We'll pitch your site to our existing audience and advertisers

- We pay per article (around $7 per post) or depending on your blog way more.

- We pay a page view bonus of $1 per 1000 page views (as reported in Google Analytics).

- Fully redundant hosting

- Nice layout and structure of your blog plus some great extras like email newsletters and ratings.

- We pay for all marketing and guest bloggers if you wish to bring them on.

OK sounds good what do I need to do?

Apply here and leave us your contact data.

We'll get in touch and once approved expect you to lease us domain for 36 months (or longer if you wish to stay). We will import your existing articles and relaunch the site within the network. Alternatively we can alos re-launch under a new domain name as long as the new blog will become your 'main' blog.

And to state the obvious again there is no cost for you involved.

Do you have a success story?

We had several existing blogs joining us in the last years. For instance Businesspundit, Wangtam, Wappblog all existed before and joined the network.
See full article.

Related Entries:

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中文 Blog Network 缺的还是钱 - 15 八月 2006

中文 Blog Network 缺的不仅仅是钱 - 02 十月 2006

Join the bootstrap network - 27 July 2007

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