Saturday, March 22, 2008

Radar Group not planning any Wii, DS projects

A portion of a Gamasutra interview with executive creative director Raphael van Leirop

GS: Are you planning for creating games on the Wii or DS? Your announced titles seem very core-gamer focused, potentially PC/PS3/Xbox 360.

RvL: We're primarily focused, right now, on properties that focus on the “core gamer”, which tends to be 360/PS3/PC-centric. We're interested in the Wii, but haven't seen any strong concepts on this platform and for the time being we aren't really focusing on it, and to be honest we don't see many groups, outside Nintendo, making much money on the Wii.

Historically, I think it's been pretty difficult to launch blockbuster IPs from a handheld device (of course there are exceptions), so considering our strategic focus, it makes most sense for Radar to target the primary core gamer platforms.

Full interview here