Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blair opposes student-led observance

TAMPA -- Fresh from blasting Hillsborough schools for holding class on Good Friday, County Commissioner Brian Blair is seeking to head off an annual student-led event that seeks to end name-calling, bullying and harassment of gay students.

Blair has sent an email to supporters urging them to protest the annual "Day of Silence" observance April 25 to school officials. During the observance, which is not school-sponsored, participating students take a vow of silence, handing out cards to explain why they are keeping quiet.

This year's observance is being held in memory of Lawrence King, an Oxnard, Calif., eighth-grader killed in February, allegedly by a classmate and due to his sexual orientation. Students at several area schools are reportedly participating this year, including some at Blake, Bloomingdale and Brandon high schools.

Blair says the observances are no more appropriate than noting the heterosexual orientation of soldiers killed in Iraq.

"I have always believed that all citizens are equal and should be treated accordingly," writes Blair in his email. "On the other hand, no group of citizens should be given government sanction and support to promote their social and sexual agenda upon the rest of us and especially, our children.

"Considering the fact that the same school system does not want to allow just one Minute of Silence in the classroom for God, this is preposterous."

Blair is seeking reelection in November and faces an openly gay Democratic opponent, Kevin Beckner, who is a financial planner.

-- Bill Varian, Times Staff Writer