Tuesday, May 13, 2008

LinuxByExamples: Cool Ajax irc client that can be embed into your blogs

This is not a ‘LINUX’ application, not a command line or any tools that only runs under linux platform. But this is too cool that lure me into writing this post to introduce this COOLEST Ajax apps to you!

As a linux user, I find my friends, oss communities and getting help through IRC, especially freenode.net. And we have a channel in freenode.net open to anyone who wants to chat with those lonely souls. You can click on the IRC icon (smiling face) to access to us! Or simply click the link here

To learn up linux, get support on difficulties on installation, your really need irc client for you to access the channels. It is hard to understand, some linux distro do not even installed with irc client by default. Sometimes, certain places even blocks the IRC port, throw your out of irc. But mibbit have solve these problems for you. You do not even need to install any irc client, you can hook yourself at any kiosk and get access to irc channels through Ajax irc client!


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