Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dating and Text Messaging Advice

Forget about the old fashioned forms of communication. For example, remember the hard copy letter? They were these things that showed up in your mail box where other people actually wrote in long-hand on a piece of paper and then mailed them to you. This was replaced by the telephone, and that was replaced by email.

Now, text messaging is the new hot form of communication, especially among the dating crowd. But, what do you do when you get an inappropriate text message from someone you barely know? Maybe it's just a joke, but maybe you need to take it more seriously.

Creative Weblogging's web dating guru has some advice for you on how to deal with the weird text message you so wish you hadn't been sent!
See full article.

Related Entries:

Love Goes Mobile in New Text Date Game - 20 March 2006

The Marketing Potential of Text Messaging - 24 September 2006

Lost opportunities from SMS Messaging Reach $4.9 B Each Year - 29 August 2007

Cre8txt: Text Messenger for the Computer - 12 November 2007

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