Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tell Your Business Story

The Bootstrapme Weblog, run by blog editor Shawn Hessinger for the Creative Weblogging network, is looking for your bootstrap business stories:

Are you a bootstrapping entrepreneur? Have you successfully bootstrapped a company from startup to profitability or to a point where you've gained outside funding for your venture to take it to the next level?

Are you an entrepreneur just starting out with an idea and a dream to change the world while facing the challenges involved in bringing a new product or service successfully to market with little or no financial backing?

Then Shawn would love to hear your story, as would his readers. See full article.

Related Entries:

What's Your Story: All business is drama - 16 July 2007

What's Your Story: All business is drama - 16 July 2007

10 ways to bootstrap your business - 30 August 2007

Tell us your bootstrapping story - 19 November 2007

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