Saturday, April 12, 2008

All Children's Hospital passes 100 heart transplants

   ST. PETERSBURG -- All Children's Hospital has reached a milestone -- it has performed heart transplants on 100 children, more children than any other hospital in Florida.

Hospital staff held a news conference today with Anthony, a 4-year-old boy in foster care, who recently received the 100th transplant. Anthony smiled and obediently said "cheese," for the cameras.

All Children's Hospital has been performing heart transplants since 1995. Out of the 100 children who received transplants, 87 went home alive from the hospital and 72 are still alive. All 100 would have died without a new heart, doctors said.

When the medical staff gets to see the children later, running around and playing, "that means the world to all of us," said Dr. Jeff Jacobs, surgical director of the program. 

Although the news conference was scheduled for today, All Children's actually performed its 101st heart transplant this weekend.

   -- Curtis Krueger, Times staff writer