Monday, May 5, 2008

On The Spot: Robin Dalmiras Jewelry

Shop: Robin Dalmiras Jewelry

Owner: Robin

1. Who do you think your creations are perfect for?

I believe my creations will be perfect for women who love fashion. My jewelry is fresh modern and can transform from day to evening. Either running errands, working, playing or an intimate evening out, you can wear each piece and feel great!

2. What inspired you to start your own business?

My family and friends inspired me to do so and gave me the push I needed. I also like having a bit more freedom in dictating my day instead of it being dictated for me. Being able to have a bit more time for family is nice as well. More flexibility is so very nice. Lastly, I love to create jewelry!

3. Where do you get the ideas for your designs?

My ideas most of the time just come to me. I am also inspired by other artists. Art jewelry magazines, books also help with my ideas. Seeing other jewelry artists inspire me all the time. Seeing something I like and making some changes to make it my own piece also inspires me.

4. When you aren't creating awesome stuff, what are you doing?

When I am not creating jewelry, I am always looking for resources online either in forums or books for new techniques in metal-smithing. Looking around on Etsy and managing my listings. Sketching a new idea for a piece of jewelry. I love spending time with my family and friends. Taking good care of my husband and kids. I work part-time as a hairstylist and have been for 25 years.

5. Why do you think people love/would love your work?

I think most will love my jewelry because it is modern, fresh and can be worn everyday. For the fashion forward woman who wants to accessorize and feel good about putting an outfit together. Simplistic but cool jewelry!