Monday, May 5, 2008

Shep Korvin: Spring has Sprung...

...and - in the traditional season of creativity - I've been inspired with a rather neat idea for a brand new Lucky Designs attraction. As usual, it's a little bit more ambitious than preceding Lucky productions ... this time involving some off-world server-based gubbins to keep everything ticking over (which should be entirely transparent to owners/end-users, so don't worry!). The challenge of remembering how to write php scripts and SQL back-ends has been keeping me busy/amused (delete as appropriate) for most of this week. Just as well, really, considering how awful the server stability in everybody's-favourite-virtual-world has been for the last fortnight or so - at least I've had *something* stable to work on :P

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Also - continuing the "spring" theme - I promised I'd pimp my new favourite stalker's spring fashion show here on my blog. So, without further ado:

(Just in case you can't make it out, that landmark is Plush Rho 61,146 - but I'm sure you'll be able to search for the location via "VR Designs").

If you're at a loose end tomorrow, I'd definitely suggest giving this show a look ... and that's *not* because VictoriaRose seems to be single-handedly keeping the BidBox market afloat *cough* ... but rather because I had a sneak preview of some of the outfits earlier this week... and her leopardprint minidress ("Daria"?) is definitely one to watch out for! ;)

(Not to mention the fact that the show is going to be presented on one of the most subconsciously Freudian catwalks that I've seen in a *long* time... )