Sunday, June 1, 2008

BobbyToat: $100 Dollar Mini Contest

Juggler at The WWW Observer is running a mini contest and giving away $100 dollars to 1 lucky winner (payable via PayPal). It is very easy to participate in this contest, you can either blog about this contest and link to the contest page, or subscribe to The WWW Observer feeds via e-mail (don't forget to confirm your subscription!). If you do both, you get one contest entry for each task and also 1 bonus entry, which adds up to total 3 entries for higher chance to win the 100USD!

This mini contest will run from 5th April to 20th April, 2008. The draw for the winner will be done after the contest has ended and result shall be announced on the 21st April, 2008.

Oh yeah, the main purpose of this contest is to gain more email subscribers, because Juggler is planning to have a bigger contest in May, so with the exposure gained from this mini contest, his contest in May will get the attention it deserved. By the way, browse around The WWW Observer, it has pretty good content with a personal touch from Juggler himself and don't forget to subscribe to his feeds by email if you like the site.

I am feeling lucky after winning 3 contests, and since this contest is easy to participate, I figure why not join in the fun and let my readers know about this contest as well? You have a chance to win this prize too, why not give it a try? Good luck everyone!