I’m making up my own word. Cuz it’s my blog and I can.
Random statement Numero Uno: When you have become accustomed to having your large fabulous breakfast made to order at work because while you may hate your actual job position and feel like quiting at least twice a week, at least they bring in someone to cook your meals and let you payroll deduct it so it seems free instead of 5 bucks a meal and they give you all the free starbucks coffee in the morning that you can hoard in a big thermos and carry back to your desk 3 days a week (FRESH mushrooms and cheese omelet, hash-browns with ketchup, salty-greasy-fabulously crisp-porkfat-bacon, and buttered toast), a bowl of Cookie Crisp scarfed down before waking the children on the 2 days you are in charge of feeding yourself will not keep your tummy happy until you go home for lunch. You forget this every time. You sit at your desk drinking bad coffee and water and look repeatedly in the fridge for a morsel of food left over from Sunday. Lunch cannot come soon enough. I think I will go home and eat a whole pizza. Healthy eating out the window.
Random statement Numero Dos: There are not enough hours in the day. I have insane amonts of things piling up on my to-do list - yet I am deeply dissapointed when there are not new long blog entries on my favorite blogs. I counteract this by deciding to hop to random blogs on linked on other people’s blogs when I should be doing work. I maybe should just shoot myself in the foot! ha!
Random Statement Numero Tres: Go Here. Play the game. Feed People. My average level was 36. I can’t believe how many times I guessed and got the words right!
Random Statment Numbero Quatro: It’s time to go home for lunch -before I pass out, or eat my own arm. Thanks for stopping by and letting me waste a few minutes of your day!