Colin Charles: life/movies, recently (april 2008)
This week’s been an interesting one. I’m glad its over.
- My relocation is complete
- I collected my items not on April 1 (when it was supposed to arrive), but on April 2. I had a fun time with customs. Needless to say, it has inspired me to start a Only in Malaysia category on my blog
- On April 1, I paid close attention to ensure my on-boarding process was making the most sense. There are still so many things that haven’t been sorted out, and with my impending travel next week, I’m slowly becoming impatient and its turning me into an angry person
- Public Bank, the credit card vendor of my choice, is annoying the living daylight’s out of me. I’m sure to blog about this saga, the moment its all over (either way)
- The MyOSS meetup was interesting, but what was more useful was the post-meetup dinner. Its time to focus on the more interesting things in life
- Q2/2008 has started. Or Q4 for my new corporate overlords. I have a bazillion things to do, and here’s hoping that I blog more. I have to remember that I work for the community, always. This is what’s going to make this quarter rock…
- Driving the Vios S is nice. Its smooth. Alas, I’m taking over the Iswara in general. Its also a nice car and will continue to serve me well :)
- I’m going to pay close attention to the Malaysian community and government needs, when it comes to the open source world. Finally
- It rains, pretty much everyday from about 3-5pm. Its getting rather annoying. Why? I have to switch the DSL modem off
- Singapore Airlines has made me an Elite Gold member. Its going to be easier to keep it, because I’ll be using SIA and Star Alliance a lot more now. In Melbourne, sometimes you were forced to use Qantas (ick) or Malaysian Airlines (not as ick as Qantas, but ick enough)
- Must do expense reports
- Off to a party tonight. Will make use of the camera. I have a huge shitload of backlog of photos to push online (since November 2007 even)
Enough of this crap rants. I’m glad that it doesn’t get syndicated elsewhere. Its just to remind me, when I look back on the past, I guess…
In the movie world, I caught:
- 2 Days in Paris - funny love story
- Juno - recommended. Storyline is good, actors are excellent.
- American Gangster - recommended, true story even. Can learn trade secrets of successful drug lords - make your “workers” that pack stuff up, work in the nude…
- Poseidon - on cable this one, big nice screen, pity the movie wasn’t much. Emmy Rossum kinda makes it worthwhile though. Young (born in 1986)!