Thursday, May 1, 2008

“Weird Moods”

Since I know some of you out there are current or aspiring yoga or pilates teachers, I'm gonna give you a tip for free. ( ... with two different teachers in private lessons–one yoga, one pilates. Both pulled the "weird mood"

Posted in Shapely Prose ( 2,026 links from 754 sites) by Kate1975

Biologists Take Evolution Beyond Darwin -- Way Beyond

Biologists Take Evolution Beyond Darwin -- Way Beyond : until recently, scientists thought the division of labor had a genetic basis, but after scientists sequenced the honeybee genome, they couldn't find a trigger. Hyper-specialization seems to be an emergent property of the collective. "That's a specific example of how a new pattern can be thrown into play," Amdam said. "You have an ordinary life cycle in an individual, but in a social context it's exploited by the colony." The superorganism is still shaped by mutation and natural selection, but only recently have biologists, accustomed to thinking of evolution at the individual level, applied the superorganism concept to insects. It may very well have even broader applications. "Man is the one who's undergoing this incredible evolution now," Woese said. "We see some in the insects, but the social processes by which man is evolving are creating a whole new level of organization." But as with bacteria and people, how can a sharp distinction be drawn between a honeybee colony and the flowers that both nourish them and rely on them for pollination? And between the flowers and organisms that in turn rely upon them? "Selection probably happens at all scales, from gene to individual to species to collection of species to ecosystem to we don't even know what," said Maya Paczuski, head of the Complexity Science Group at the University of Calgary.

Wedding bells ... literally

I've just been perusing the winter issue of InStyle Weddings, which my wedding-planning cousin passed on to me, and I found a really sweet idea for a favour. Rather than showering the bride and groom with rice, petals, or confetti, there's an article in which the guests were given silver handbells for friends and family to ring. Tied to

New trend: Creating the perfect marriage proposal

Apparently some men are paying up to $10,000 to create the ultimate marriage proposal for their lucky ladies says a recent New York Times report. Six trends have been identified including destination proposals with elaborately planned weekends away and 'capturing...

Tell us about 'My Video Life' and win £500 or 8 x £50 Top Shop vouchers

You use your camera to shoot video. You use your phone to shoot video. You may even be capturing the world in high definition. Now's the time to get your footage working for you by entering our competition and scoring...

Get married at Scotland's award-winning Ardanaiseig

Scotland's Ardanaiseig hotel has just won the title of Intimate Wedding Hotel of the Year at the Scottish Hotel of the Year Awards 2008. Though most of us won't have heard of this no doubt riveting award gathering, this Highlands...

Lost In Music: The First Dance # 47

I rather love Rilo Kiley. Beautiful lyrics, lovely melodies and Jenny Lewis's amazing voice. I Never, from their album More Adventurous is a proper love song, with a swirling melody to which you can twirl around the dancefloor to the joy of all that behold you. Probably. The only problem with it that I can imagine is that the chorus consists of the line "Cause I