Wednesday, March 19, 2008

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Due to its various educational institutions, Pune occupies a very important place in our country map. It is a hub of many reputed educational institutions and every year thousands of students come her Local search Pune-Guides any newcomer

dress for success

Model, mother, photographer, retailer, designer—Helena Christensen is the acknowledged Renaissance woman among that class of cover girls known simply as The Supers. But one of Christensen's most far-reaching contributions to the culture has remained relatively unsung. Back in the early nineties—around the time the "Wicked Game" video in which she starred was making her a walking semaphore for beachy sexiness—the model showed her friend Marie-Anne Oudejans a few bolts of candy-colored cotton she'd purchased on a recent trip to Thailand. "She was always sewing cute little dresses," Christensen recalls, "and she made up a few for me out of those fabrics." The rest is Tocca history. Oudejans, then the assistant to photographer Peter Lindbergh, wound up spinning off the so-called "sari dresses" into not just a fashion brand, but a fashion juggernaut. An entire era of cutely bohemian dress-wearing style can be summoned merely by laying eyes on one of those Tocca originals. Well, fans can now lay eyes on them again. Christensen's West Village shop, Butik, for the moment has the exclusive contract on Oudejans' reissue of the sari dresses under the label Tocca Vintage; the store will be hosting a party for the brand on March 26. Here, Christensen takes a break from a trip to Rio, where she's been test-driving the Vintage pieces, to talk Tocca.

There was such a Tocca moment in the nineties—what do you think it was about those dresses that struck a nerve?

It's hard to define what makes a clothing piece a classic, but that's what happened with the Tocca dress. I remember I wore the dresses Marie-Anne made for me backstage at the shows, and immediately, all the girls wanted one in every color. It was just such a special little piece; very girlish, but sassy at the same time. The dress woke up the free spirit inside you.

How did the idea come about to relaunch the original styles?

Tocca came up with the idea, I guess, and then they approached me. I liked the idea a lot; those dresses bring back great memories…

Such as?

It seems like the whole period back then was one big fond memory, and the dresses stand out like bright, colorful lollipops of that time. I think I went through entire summers just wearing the dresses, every day! Once Mariana—Marie-Anne—and I had to go to a big event and I asked her to make me a special Tocca dress. She made me this long green mermaid dress, like an eccentric version of the short ones, but superlong and with sequins randomly strewn all over it. I still have that dress.

Obviously, fashion has moved on since these dresses were first introduced; do you find you wear them differently now, i.e., that you style them in a new way or pair them with different accessories?

I wouldn't wear them any other way than I always have. That's what made the dresses so precious—they're like jewelry, in a way, you just slip them on and step into a pair of sandals and it's perfect!

As you say, you didn't have a great deal of involvement in the Tocca Vintage launch, at least on a creative level. But a similar sensibility to the sari dress seems to inform your line with Leif Sigersen, Christensen & Sigersen. What's going on with that?

We're working on getting investors. We did two collections and now we need someone that can step in on the financial and technical side, as we ended up not being able to keep up with orders, which in a way is a luxurious situation to be in, but frustrating as well. I'm so busy right now —working on an exhibition in New York, and traveling quite a bit with my photography, among other things. At least getting dressed is easy.—Maya Singer

Photo: Courtesy of Tocca Vintage

blonde ambition

According to the sibling design duo of Yaz and Emel Kurhan of Yazbukey, "Every girl has a little bit of Marilyn inside her." The sisters' conviction that we're all secret MM fans led to what may be be the funniest accessory of the upcoming season: the Plexiglas Sunburnt Marilyn necklace. "If we're not amused at the end of it all, then what's the point?" asks Istanbul-based Emel of the creation. Emel and her older sister, Paris-based Yaz, have been making a splash in Europe for several seasons now. While the Gentlemen Prefer Blondes collection of colorful brooches, bangles, necklaces, headbands, and bags will no doubt turn a few heads, we're also looking forward to Yazbukey's soon-to-be launched fine jewelry line, which is inspired by ancient Celtic emblems. "It's not Van Cleef & Arpels," says Emel of the sterling silver, gold, and enamel pieces, "but we love jewelry and we just want people to be able to afford what we're doing."

—Linlee Allen

Photo: Linlee Allen

\"Phishing\" on the \"Pharm\": How Thieves Combine Two Techniques to Steal Your Identity

Bob squinted at the email and began to read:

"Dear eBay User, as part of our security measures, eBay Inc. has developed a security program against fraudulent attempts and account thefts. Therefore, our system requires further account verification..."

Security Measures. A threat to suspend his account to prevent "fraudulent activity". The email went on to say that there were "procedural safeguards with federal regulations to protect the information you provide for us."

Bob clicked the link and was confronted with an authentic looking logon page, just waiting for him to input his user name and password and confirm what ebay supposedly didn't know.

He almost did it. The page looked absolutely authentic, and he had already been "set up" by the email message. His fingers were poised over the keyboard when he happened to glance at the URL.

There was something very, very wrong with it.


The art of "pharming" involves setting up an illegitimate website that is identical with its legitimate prototype, for example the ebay page Bob was almost suckered into using, and redirecting traffic to it.

"Pharmers" can do it in two ways:

1. By altering the "Hosts" file on your computer. The Hosts file stores the IP address of websites you have been accessing. By inserting a new IP address into the database field corresponding to a website, your own computer can be redirected to the pharmer's website. Any information you give the bogus site is immediately hijacked by the pharmer.

2. Hijacking the DNS (Dynamic Name Server) itself. A DNS matches the names of address with their IP addresses. If this server can be coerced into assigning new IP addresses to traditional names, all computers using the name resolution provided by the DNS server will be redirected to the hijacker's web site.

Once that happens, it's time to be fleeced.


"Pharmers" hijack your "hosts" file or DNS servers using Spyware, Adware, Viruses or Trojans. One of the most dangerous things you can do is to run your computer without some form of Internet Security installed on it.

Your security software should be continually updating its virus definitions, and be capable of warning you if something has been downloaded from a web site or through email. It should be able to remove it, "quarantine it", or tell you where it is so that you can remove it by hand.

You should also have Spyware and Adware programs installed, and be aware of any change in Internet browsing patterns. If your home page suddenly changes, or you experience advertising pop ups (which may pop up even when you are not hooked up to the Internet), you should run a Virus, Spyware or Adware scan.

Thanks to the efficacy of these protection programs, pharming is a lot more difficult than it used to be. It isn't as easy to hijack a computer as it once was.

So, the "pharmers" have teamed up with the "phishermen" to get you to visit the bogus web page yourself, and enter all the information they need.


As Bob discovered, the page he had been taken to by the bogus email message was identical to the ebay logon page. Identical in every way except for the URL.

Out of curiosity, he checked the URL for the ebay logon by accessing ebay directly and clicking on the logon link. The two URL's were nothing alike, except the bogus one did have the word "ebay" in it twice - just enough to make it look authentic.

By combining the two techniques, the phishermen/pharmers had avoided the high tech problems associated with downloading a Virus that could get past his protection software. They had gone straight for the throat.

Bob's throat.


The bottom line is that the only real protection against the pharmers and phishermen is YOU. There are three things you must consider when you read any email demanding information:

? Why do they want it? Be extremely skeptical when they say they have to "update their records", "comply with federal regulations", or prevent fraud. They are the ones initiating the fraud.

? Why can't this be done at the website? Why not invite you to access the website directly and provide this information? The answer is because the bonafide company doesn't need an update.

? What does the URL look like? Is it a series of subdomains some of which have the name of the bonafide company? Most likely the subdomain is set up with a free hosting company.

? Have they provided partial information about you as a guarantee that the email authentically comes from the legitimate source? Be very careful of this one. This technique is effective for "pretexting", impersonating a person or company, and was used in the Hewlett Packard scandal to collect information. Just because they know your first and last name (and any other information - known only to the legitimate source) doesn't mean the email is legitimate. They probably hijacked the information off the server.


The bottom line is: don't provide any information at the behest of an email, no matter how authentic it looks, or how authentic the page it directs you to looks. If you must log in, do so at the parent site itself.

Your Identity Theft prevention and protection is, in the final analysis, up to you.

Don't be the next sheep fleeced by the pharmers who caught you with the phisherman's hook. Being dropped naked into their frying pan is NOT a fate you want.

Copyright 2006 John Young

John Young is a writer with a scientific and technical background living in California. At the age of 62, he is the father of four, grandfather of 13, and lives with his wife and cat "Bear". Please check out his latest book on Identity Theft at

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l.a. confidential

Sometimes it takes an outsider to accurately sum up a town. Lanvin creative director Alber Elbaz, who arrived in Los Angeles on Tuesday for a "Meet the Designer" event at Barneys and leaves later today following the completion of an ad campaign being shot by Steven Meisel, shared a few perceptive observations about the city with us.

"I love it here, and not just because of the weather. It's the last place on earth where one can find so many characters talking to themselves on the streets and nobody even bothers to look at [them]."

"When I come here I never go to restaurants. I'm always at people's homes or apartments having dinner. It's a very family-oriented place."

"Los Angeles is the center of sensitivity. That's why there are so many actresses who live here, because they are sensitive people."

"I have a lot of friends here, and sometimes I call them and sometimes I don't. This time I won't, and they will read about me being here and it will be a drama, because they are all drama queens. But aren't we all?"

"Los Angeles is one of the few places where I don't go to galleries or to cathedrals. Instead, I try to sniff out the spirit of the city. That's right, I sniff out a city because I don't sniff anything else. I never have and I never will."

— Linlee Allen

Photo: Linlee Allen

bias tape

NotYetTheDodo has added a photo to the pool:

Heavily inspired by lille_ursus and her gorgeous bias tape,, yesterday I ventured into the world of diagonal fabric cutting...
if other people can, I can, too, I told myself, and so I started.

It is fairly dull work. Lots of cutting and pressing and measuring, but oh, it is sooooo nice to have colourful bias tape in stead of just the plain ones! (Though I am really happy with the linen one, I've used recently... but hey, gimme colour!!!)

Anyone out there dreading starting making it - I sure dreaded it before!!! - just go for it. Not difficult at all, just tedious! :-)